Frequently Asked:
Is “It’s Not About the Sex” My Ass
a “Mormon-bashing” book?

To create a context in which the TLC’s beliefs and practices could be understood, sundry explanations of mainstream Mormon history, practices, culture and beliefs were needful. We took care to be factual and fair, sourcing every doctrinal claim in Mormon-approved scriptures and every historical claim in Mormon-friendly sources that are approved for sale in Deseret Book stores (a Mormon Church-owned chain).
If you are LDS/Mormon, you may take occasional umbrage at our irreverent tone. But if “It’s Not About the Sex” My Ass is a “Mormon-bashing book,” it is only insofar as the Mormon church itself is a cult. For help in identifying what is and is not a cult, we commend you to this excellent blog post by Steven Novella, MD.